Monday, April 19, 2010

The Impact of Sports on both Individuals and Society

Everyone know the importance of sport in our lives, personality, societies, business, personally and in people's behaviors.

It was interesting to read an article titled "An Upliffting Power" written by Tony Blair. It is talking about the power of sport and how it is important in our life and in our society. It is an interesting essay to read. Blair said in his essay "Now is the time for sport to show how much sport can acheive beyond aport" In other words sports can teach self decipline more than we do in our schools. My question here; why our schools missing that (Sport)? Why our school make huge plans of dicipline once sport can do. Finally why the absence of sport in our schools? It is started late maybe 7th grade or uper.
I used to play sports all my life through my schools outside the State. It started earlier. Now I can not stop doing sports of any kind. Adding I feel if I miss doing sport one day like I miss a male. Personally I feel strees releafe once I play any kind of sport. Our Education systems know the importance of sport, but unfortunatly it started late. I do beleive of the importance of sport in our kids life earlier is a key of alot of dicipline methods, self eficacy and self diciplane.
I like to share those sites about sports.


  1. I think that sports play a very important role in our childrens education. School can be very overwhelming and stressful to students, like you said its a stress relief to them. It also encourages so many skills that we use everyday when were not playing sports like fairness and teamwork.

  2. This is a very timely post, in the news we have just learned that Northridge schools are cutting all of their freshman and B team sports to save money. I think this is a huge mistake! I agree with you that sports are a very important part of education, sports teaches discipline and teamwork and keeps our children physically fit so they can do their best in the classroom.

  3. Sports are an element of "playtime" that every child, adolescent and adult needs. When school becomes all work and no play, Johnny can indeed feel like a dull boy!

    As much as I sometimes did not feel like going outside in the cold weather, once I got going and got warmed up, it wasn't so bad after all. The exercise was a side benefit. The fresh air would revive your brain, so later in the day, thinking wasn't quite such a chore.

  4. I totally agree that sports are very important. I have been a school athlete ever since I was in the fifth grade. I believe that sports was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. As the years went on, I improved and this opened many doors in my life. I was on the Varsity basketball team all 4 years in High School and I ran Varsity track my freshman year. Sports helped me maintain good grades. In order to be on the team, the players had to maintain good grades. I also eat a lot, so working out constantly helped me stay thin. Basketball also paid for my first two years of college. That is always a plus.
