Through my observation to a Middle school class for my education major, I observed a health class for the ages between 8 through 10. I did not see this before, it was a candy for kids ages 5 years to maybe 11 years old. This candy is inside a backet looks exactly like a real cigarette backet, when the kids open it he will have the exactly cigarette shape and eat it.. wow it taste delicious. This back of candy cigarette was maybe made in the 1970's or around that period of time as the teacher mentioned.
However, what made me write this blog that unfortunately I saw my kid who is seven years old bring from his teacher's reward box, because he was doing good that day, a capsule and a round white bill but it is candy. I am wondaring if that advertisement was in 1970's and that period of time they did not reach what we are in nowadays from laws to technology and knowledge. Why we still have those problems with the all of knowledge we have now. Is it good to have bills or anything looks like it just to sell products and collect money for those companies or those are kind of advertisements go beyond marketing? What is the teacher role in this class? Is it to support those advertisments?
Whatever the reasons are the question here is how shall we protect our children inside the schools? And who is responsible for that? All in all just think of this question; How to teach our teachers?